How to Get Through Hard Times

Yashica's Intuition
3 min readDec 29, 2019


I spent some time within the past weeks giving you tons of information that you could use to stay centered through the holidays so if you missed that article, go take a look at past articles on the site. It’s one article, I know, but you will find it full of things to help you from developing healthy boundaries all the way to using the holidays to pour into yourself and work on your goals and your purpose. If you find holidays to be difficult, I recommended you begin centering yourself to get ready to leave this decade behind and step into something new and more powerful for yourself.

I would like to piggyback on that article and leave you with a tip that you can use to start healing. Again, I find December 2019, with all the astrology and other energies taking place, to be a pivotal time to leave the old behind and step into the new. Healing yourself is an everyday practice however, this one activity can help you start to release what has kept you bound and step into the new year more free. It will also help you capitalize on the powerful December 26 New Moon Eclipse.

Let’s get into it. It’s going to be a powerful visualization that I want you to also reflect on via your journal after you are all done.

  1. Find a quiet and private space all to yourself where you will not be disturbed. Heck… if you have to hide in a bathroom, so be it.
  2. Spend at least one minute taking deep healing breaths- 4 seconds in, hold for 4 seconds, then 4 seconds out. If you cannot do that, then pick an interval that works for you. The 4 second option has been shown to be the most optimal though and I know you are an overachiever *wink*
  3. What person might you need to forgive to walk into the next decade with a lighter heart? Remember, a lot of times that forgiveness may even need to start with you healing yourself. Want you to picture a bridge with a staircase on either side. On one side is the person you want to forgive, on the other is you in the now…. So if you want to forgive yourself, the person walking up the staircase would be the you of the past.
  4. You and the person that you chose are going to walk across the bridge from opposite ends and meet in the middle and once you meet I want you to pass the forgiveness onto the person from the you now to the you of the past or the person from the past you want to forgive. When I first did this many years ago, I passed a rose quartz to myself. I was wanting to forgive myself for the a time in my life where I was on the right track but I was beating myself up because my vision and my timeline were not happening like I wanted it to and as fast as I wanted it to.
  5. When you pass this symbol of healing, talk to them. Let them know that you forgive them and say whatever else you want to say or need to say in that moment. Spend time there on the bridge with the person until you feel like the forgiving moment is complete then you can part ways.

It is a simple and powerful exercise that I thought wouldn’t bring up what it did. You should make sure that you spend some time journaling about what came up so that you can process what happened. You may not be able to do it in that moment but if you can, do it while the situation is still fresh. This was a profound exercise I was able to do and it had a powerful impact on me and I know it will do the same for you. Feel free to share how you like it.

Yashica is the Founder and CEO of Yashica’s Intuition® and her main mission is to educate and mentor those that desire to be high performing, successful individuals via self-development and spiritual principles. You can learn more at



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