New Moon in Virgo Astrology Report September 2020
Sun Conjunct Moon
When planets or luminaries, such as the Sun and the Moon, are right next to each other. Sometimes it can be hard to tell where the energy of one ends and one begins. While I believe in the power of setting intentions with a new moon… after waiting a few days… I do not think this is a time to immediately act, especially without a lot of self reflection. What is good is that the mind and heart are working in harmony as well as you conscious and subconscious and there is the potential for balance, a better sense of clarity, and greater understanding. Some things you may want to watch out for is taking the critical analysis too far and being hypercritical of yourself and others. Yes this is a time to detox, declutter, make sense of things, and make things better, but it can have your brain going a mile a minute or turning everything into a new project rather than focusing all this energy of improvement on the only thing you can control… yourself!
Saturn trine Sun & Moon
There has been, for years, this powerful energy forcing us to look at your life and the things that you want to achieve to make the necessary changes and transformations you need to make in order to take your life to the next level, especially mentally, or to create or build something for yourself that lasts. The Sun and the Moon are teaming up with Saturn (and Pluto, which I will mention later) to bring in some positive energy. I love this! You may have felt emotionally or energetically up and down, especially coming off of that Full moon in Pisces, but you are going to start to feel like the emotions level out and like you are able to start to restore the inner connection to yourself.
If you have felt like things were getting the best of you, you can tighten things up and get on track. Maybe your routine got away from you or your job felt like a burden or there was some confusion on next steps to take in life or how to take them in life and now you will be much more conscious of what is getting in your way to fix it or make it better.
I, particularly, think this will create big shifts in your mindset because it’s not like you are muddling through a fog for understanding. You get tangible bits of inspiration that you can finally do something with and move forward. Where you may have felt stuck in the mud, you may finally start to see progress and/or rewards.
Pluto trine Sun & Moon
So not only is Saturn helping you bring form and structure to the things that need to take place to move you to the next level… Pluto is being a little helper here. Helping you finally purge and let go of things that don’t serve you. Beliefs… emotions… all of it. Now while you are going through this, it may not feel positive but it is making a way for you! A way for you to finally release the pain. A way for you to finally believe in yourself. A way for you to stop putting things off and break free of limits that you let hold you back. You feel more responsible. More powerful. More capable… it’s up to you to let these things move you for the better or you get in your way and hold yourself back.
The feelings and consciousness you experience on such a deep level is helping you connect to yourself and to others in a way that feels more in flow and more at ease.
Take advantage and free up space!
Neptune opposite Sun and moon
Now as much as I tell you about all this powerful energy that is in flow, there are still some of you that will self sabotage such a wonderful energy. Even though all the energy is here to help you will try to hold on to stuff you need to let go of both internally and externally.
Even though reality is trying to show you what you need to do to grow, evolve, and lead a more enlightened life… you are going to be hard headed. You are going to hold on tight. You are going to act like you are in lala land and not want to accept what needs to happen to move forward.
The information presented for you will be so clear, but if it’s not something you want to hear, you will think that there has to be an easier way to your goals or that situations in need of a rehaul will fix themselves… they won’t! And being a boundaryless doormat doesn’t make you the hero so you can think you are the good guy that keeps getting screwed… at some point you have to realize that maybe you need to put on your big girl panties, get out of victimhood, and start taking back your life. There is no prize for the most abuse you can take and actively letting people abuse you is your problem, not theirs.
North Node square Sun & Moon
This is the perfect time for you to take my intuition class if you struggle with hearing your inner voice because as much as the information will be right there in front of you, you will either act like you don’t see it or refuse to act. Your old ways of thinking won’t work well and neither will your old ways of reacting to things that never work.
There is some important information that may be revealed to you and your main job is to pay attention to it and use discernment to integrate this information. You may find that as you settle on a new mindset and a new emotional compass, you vacillate back and forth, like a scale that goes up and down before you finally find the right mix that creates balance.
With all this information and positive energy available to you, you may not feel like you are ready to leave the past behind and step into the future, but you are!
Mars square Jupiter & Pluto
Mars is now retrograde in Aries and is making you want to take action of some sort. I see it playing out a number of ways. For some, when it is revealed that your life is not like you want it, you will impulsively act anytime that you are triggered rather than do some mature self reflection of what you can control or transform or do to create more balance in your life.
As you go through this process and much is revealed, you could encounter anger, hurt, frustration, and rather than use it to fuel your improvement, you use pick a fight with yourself and others. For some of you, through your own choices or by seeming acts of fate… the writing is on the wall about the direction that you need to go in life. You’ve gained the truth and had experiences in life that have given you information and what you will feel… more positively if you understand the relationship between the internal and external world… is that you will be more wise and ready to act from a place of wisdom rather than making the same conscious and unconscious actions in life and being stuck in patterns that don’t serve you. Greater wisdom is trying to push you to overhaul your life in some way. To have a rebirth of your inner spirit.
Venus square Uranus
Because of this need to step into a new energy, there may be some disruptions that happen in relationships. Think about it, you aren’t the only one that could be feeling all the things that I mentioned and if you are not in a healthy relationship, this energy will just bring more incongruencies to the surface to help you understand how much the energy may have been stuck and in need of a good shake up. This doesn’t mean that you create drama, it means there may be a need to act. Maybe they are restricting, confining energy, particularly in unhealthy relationships, and these may cause you to stir up drama to shift energy… is drama really what’s needed? Or do you need to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and others?
Risks in love and money are ok sometimes but are you being foolish or bringing in responsible fresh fun? I say this because impulse shopping and materialism and wanting to impulsively freshen up your look could all come up. Be smart!
Mars square Saturn and Pluto
More action action action! As you can see, this new moon is all about more action towards being a better version of yourself and what you desire and less about contemplation. If something seems to get in your way or something external appears to be the problem. It’s not. Go deeper. The struggle is to not let other people or things or places control your destiny. This is a time to assert yourself for even if it feels hard, you will be able to realize success in some area of your life. This is mainly directed at channeling what triggers you and your urge to fight some oppression in your life towards overcoming the past and the limits that hinder you.
If you want to blow up or cause a fight, do it internally about something you need to do that is still lingering in the background that is hindering your optimal progress. There is a sextile that you can tap into with the North Node that will help you break free from a comfort zone in some area of life and move forward. Be the catalyst for change.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto
On a collective level the stuff with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn are directly tied to what you see with the rona, politics, racism, sexism, and more.
What can you control? I’m not going to beat a dead horse because I have talked about the path to personal discovery and enlightenment being the key to your metaphorical salvation and a new life for yourself. Living a life of self reflection and commitment to evolution is the key to getting through this successfully and manifesting some lasting change or transformation for yourself. There is great success and power at your fingertips but the spiritual connection and inner work is the key!
Saturn conjunct Pluto
I’ve already spoken extensively about this as well. Don’t get distracted by the outside world. The revolution starts from within. Inner transformation! And it’s hard work and serious but man are the rewards worth it!
Neptune sextile Pluto
Opportunity to tap into new opportunities and creative expression and divine energy to approach life in a different way but it actually requires action rather than contemplation and this is the time where you may feel called to finally act and have positive results occur (I see a square with the North node helping this… snuck that in)
Whew…. So we have a lot going on, but navigating this energy and life successfully requires that you first and foremost have clarity about you…. Not your partner, not your kids, not your job. It starts with you. Your inner voice is a blessing that helps you live out your mission and purpose in this life.
If you feel lost or like you don’t hear this wonderful guidance in your life… it doesn’t mean that it’s not there. It just means that you need to spend time developing your intuition so that you can tap into these new ideas that can help you understand patterns and limits that you unsuccessfully keep trying to navigate with ration and logic.
Your intuition can show you what’s good for you and what’s not so that you can check and adjust your life in the moment instead of falling victim for the same patterns that play out in your life and tweak things more in the moment so you don’t waste time, heart ache, or energy.
Following your hopes and dreams and purpose can be easier with a connection to your intuition and your intuition will help you find the answers to get you moving forward and keep you moving forward in good times and bad.
On Sept 20, I will be teaching a live masterclass on how to Develop your Intuition and I would love it if you would join me for class so that you can learn about how wonderful your intuition is and learn ways to help it work for you in your life.
Join class here: