Why Imposter Syndrome is BullS**t

I am about to go on a rant. You have been warned.
I am so sick of mass consciousness using words to describe things that are exaggerations of what is objectively going on. I love all y’all but when you take out feelings and emotions…. Things may not be as bad as you make them. I mean…. I would never say that what we are experiencing in America is a genocide. Is it f-ed up? Yes. Do we have work to do? Yes. But I damn for sure wouldn’t be as “privileged” enough to talk about a genocide while you are sitting up here watching Netflix while you are sipping your mid-priced Moscato.
Really America….. And therein lies the problem… That is not even what has been bugging me. This pair of words that we throw around is called Imposter Syndrome. I am so sick of hearing that buzz phrase. It is used to describe the feeling one feels that they will be exposed as a fraud and typically occurs when one is doing something they haven’t done before or something that is causing one to stretch and grow. Sounds like normal sh*t to me right… but not in this new world addicted to hyperboles and dramatic pop psychology.
Come on…. The word syndrome most often describes traits or things that happen together and is most often used to describe something that is abnormal or linked to a condition.
How is feeling nervous, anxious, excited, scared, and all of the things that are normal to feel when you are leveling up, growing, and evolving and trying things you’ve never done before now known as a syndrome?
Think about that. How about we just normalize that we all feel this way whenever we are stepping out of our comfort zone and be vulnerable enough to own that sh*t?
If you are rocking with me know this… WORDS HAVE POWER… and the words that you speak to describe yourself and the world that you live in have power, even if you don’t realize it on the conscious level.
Stop being a drama queen and start looking at your life, your circumstances, who you are, and how you are feeling with more truthful, logical, objective truths.
Perhaps in doing that, you are less likely to tap into all the feels that these dramatic azz words incite and get back to the business of seeing the world how it really is and working on leveling the fuck up!
Clarity + Purpose + Vision + Action = Results + Power
I’m out!
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